New York

New York City (NYC) er en global hub for international økonomi, politik, film, musikk mote og kultur. Enten det er museumer, kunst, teater eller noe helt annet så er dette byen som har alt!

New York ligger på sør-øst kysten av USA, hele 8 millioner kaller "The big apple" for sitt hjem og ca 50 millioner besøker byen hvert år.

Dette er byen som aldri sover.

Litt historie

Det var den italienske navigatøren Giovanni da Verraxano som først oppdaget New York i 1524, da han seilte på oppdrag for Frankrike. Senere i 1609 seilte den Engelske utforskeren Henry Hudson på oppdrag for Nederland opp elven som nå har hans navn.

I 1624 flyttet de første Nederlandske innvadrerene til New York, de bosatte seg i Fort Orange ( nå kjent som Albany).
Ett år senere kjøpte Peter Minuit Manhattan øya av indianerene, øya fikk fra da navnet New Amsterdam og var en del av den Nederlandske kolonien. Prisen han gav har i senere tid vært diskutert men det sies at han skal ha betalt i gjenstander til en verdi mellom $24 og $950. Senere i 1664 ble Manhattan erobret av England.

New York har siden den tid blitt ett knutepunkt for hele USA. Hvor store deler av landets banker, valuta-handel og teaterproduksjon står sterkt i sentrum. New York Stock Exchange er verdens største børs hvor det handles i verdier for 1.330 milliarder kroner hver dag.

Språket i New York kan sies å være mangfoldig, med over 800 forskjellig språk skal du ikke bli overrasket om du hører Norsk, Svensk eller Dansk opptil flere ganger iløpet av en dag. Byen blir regnet som den byen i verden med mest språklig mangfold.


New York City er delt opp i 5 større bydeler, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx og Staten Island.

Read more: New York: Map, History, Population, Facts, Capitol, Flag, Tree, Geography, Symbols



1: Manhattan, 2: Brooklyn,3: Queens, 4: The Bronx, and5: Staten Island

is one of the global hubs of international finance, politics, communications, film, music, fashion, and culture. Alongside London it’s one of only two universally acknowledged to be "World Cities" – the most important and influential cities on Earth. It’s home to many world-class museums, art galleries, and theaters. Many of the world’s largest corporations have their headquarters here. The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York and most countries have a consulate here. This city’s influence on the globe, and all its inhabitants, is hard to overstate, as decisions made within its boundaries often have impacts and ramifications across the world.

Immigrants (and their descendants) from over 180 countries live here, making it one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. Travellers are attracted to New York City for its culture, energy and cosmopolitanism. English is the primary language spoken by most New Yorkers although in many communities it is common to hear other languages that are generally widely understood. In many neighborhoods, there is a large Latino/Hispanic population, and many New Yorkers speak Spanish. Most cab drivers speak either Arabic, Hindi or Bengali. There are also many neighborhoods throughout the city that have a high concentration of Chinese immigrants where Mandarin or Cantonese may be useful. In some of these neighborhoods, some locals may not speak very good English, but store owners and those who would deal frequently with tourists or visitors all will speak English.

The World Trade Center attacks of 11 September 2001 were a shared ordeal for the city’s inhabitants. Despite those events, from 2003 to the present, New York City has rebounded and surpassed itself in growth. In the past 20 years, so many middle class people have moved into the city, whether from other parts of USA or the world it has changed the entire city’s character. Areas that were decaying and dangerous in the 1970’s and 1980’s are now very expensive to live in. Times Square with all its brightness and amusement park visuals today was avoided at all costs 30 years ago. Although crime has dropped nationwide in the last 20 years, the differences in New York City are extreme. Crime is down to one third of the levels of 1989 and, considering how much the population has grown in the same years, New York City is now one of the safest large cities in America.

New York City (NYC) er en global hub for international økonomi, politik, film, musikk mote og kultur. Enten det er museumer, kunst, teater eller noe helt annet så er dette byen som har alt! New York ligger på sør-øst kysten av USA, hele 8 millioner kaller "The big apple" for sitt hjem og ca 50…



